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Who We Are

The OVSP Team

Prof. Sir Muir Gray

Prof. Sir Muir Gray

Founding Director

Muir Gray is the Founding Director of OAP Ltd, with the following business streams: OVSP, CASP, & Living Longer Better. He has advised Public Health England and the Chair of the NHS Health and Social Care Digital service. Muir’s work focuses on providing training to healthcare professionals on value based healthcare.

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    Sir Muir has worked for the National Health Service in England since 1972, occupying a variety of senior positions during that time, including serving as the Director of Research and Development for Anglia and Oxford Regional Health Authority, and first establishing and  then being the  Director of the UK National Screening Committee. He founded the National Library for Health, and was the Director of Clinical Knowledge, Process, and Safety for the NHS (England) National Programme for IT, serving as the Director of the National Knowledge Service.  He was the first person to hold the post of Chief Knowledge Officer of the NHS (England), also serving as the co-Director of the Department of Health’s Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention  (QIPP) Right Care Programme.  Together with Sir Iain Chalmers, Muir was instrumental in establishing the Cochrane Collaboration.

    Sir Muir is an internationally renowned authority on healthcare systems and has advised governments of several countries outside the UK including Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain and Germany and regularly delivers plenary sessions at international events, the most recent being the 2014 World Health Summit in Berlin, the Big Data in Pharma conference in London in 2015 and the 2015 Transplantation meeting at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

    Sir Muir is also a Professor in the Nuffield Department of Surgery at the University of Oxford.  He received the CBE in 2000 and was knighted in 2005 for services to the National Health Service.

Professor Alf Collins

Professor Alf Collins

Senior Adviser

From 2016-2023, Alf was NHS England’s National Clinical Director for personalised care. Shared decision making, care planning, self-management support, social prescribing and health literacy sat within his policy portfolio and he led on implementation of ‘Universal Personalised Care’, one of the 5 key shifts for the NHS in the 2019 Long Term Plan.

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    He is an intentionally respected authority on person-centred care and has published widely on shared decision making, measurement in person-centred care, self management support, high value care and ‘Rethinking Medicine’. Alf was a community consultant in pain management for many years and in parallel worked in a number of senior leadership roles in primary care. He also worked for a decade with the Health Foundation, helping lead applied research and implementation programmes in person centred care. HE has an honorary fellowship from the Royal College oh Phycicians and the Royal College of General Practitioners and a visiting Professorship in Healthcare Policy at Coventry University. He is a Trustee of Picker Europe and the Patients Association.

Professor Richard Gwyn Bevan

Professor Richard Gwyn Bevan

Senior Adviser

Gwyn Bevan is emeritus professor of policy analysis in, and a former head of, the Department of Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is an affiliate professor in the Istituto di Management of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa.

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    He has served on advisory committees to the Inspectorate of Police and Fire Services in England and Wales, the Education Commission of the Rockefeller Foundation on research in developing countries; and governments in England on allocating resources for healthcare and public health, the reform of publicly financed legal services, and funding research into overseas aid. He was director of the Office for Healthcare Performance at the Commission for Health Improvement (2001 to 2004), which was responsible for inspections of quality of care in the NHS in England and Wales.

Dr Anant Jani

Dr Anant Jani

Senior Adviser

Anant leads on the creation and dissemination of training materials and courses that help health professionals understand and increase value in healthcare through greater patient involvement, healthcare systems, policy change and innovations (clinical, basic science, diagnostics, IT).

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    Anant’s experience in healthcare started when working on the QIPP Right Care programme at the Department of Health. This involved helping localities across England to design and implement high-value population-based healthcare systems, including building the first national system for stroke prevention for patients with atrial fibrillation. Anant has worked in Europe and the Middle East to help healthcare systems within these countries to focus more on value-based healthcare.

    Anant is also an Oxford Martin Fellow at the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford. He currently works on understanding how we can improve population health through social prescriptions and by addressing social determinants of health. Anant has a PhD in immunology from Yale University.

Erica Ison

Erica Ison

Senior Adviser

Erica Ison is the lead for the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme. Erica is an experienced trainer/facilitator in a range of fields and has worked with a variety of people from health and care professionals and third sector personnel to politicians, students and members of the public.

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    Erica also designs and develops training and skills development courses, tailored for local, national and international audiences as required.

    Erica is an Expert Adviser to the World Health Organization European Network of Healthy Cities, one of her main responsibilities being training and skills development. Erica also worked on the European Union’s Equity Action programme training civil servants in assessing equity in government policies.

Ruth Brice

Ruth Brice

Operations & Project Support Coordinator

Ruth co-ordinates the training programmes and events that OVSP. Ruth develops marketing material, manages the social media strands, and liaises with the trainer network.

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    Ruth also manages the day to day running of our Critical Skills Appraisal Programme (CASP), Ruth started working for CASP in 2011.Ruth has interests around how critical appraisal is used to inform health decisions, both by healthcare professionals and the public.

Tom Futter

Tom Futter

Operations Director

Tom is an accomplished finance manager with an excellent aptitude for business. He has worked across the private, public and not for profit sectors.

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    Tom gained his core experience navigating the financial complexities of the NHS and now provides virtual and direct services to small and medium sized businesses. His analytical and methodical approach to financial management enables his clients to understand and absorb information easily. Tom also leads the development and creation of our digital content including the creation of our online learning for OVSP and CASP.

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