Subscriptions for Organisations
Find out more about a OVSP subscription for your organisations staff. Get access to our full range of courses.
Subscriptions for Organisations
The NHS is facing unprecedented pressure from increasing need and demand, a substantial backlog of people waiting for care, decreasing budgets and a stressed workforce. Improve your understanding of Value Based Healthcare.
OVSP subscription service enables your organisation to provide value based healthcare training entirely online as a self-study option for staff.
Whether you want to make the training mandatory or offer a flexible approach for your staff, OVSP can support you with your training roll out. Our subscription service has been designed to be a cost-effective training solution, so there is an option for every organisation.
What is an OVSP courses subscription?
The organisational subscription offers you complete access to all or a selected number, level or series of OVSP courses, for a minimum of 12 months at a low cost. You will be giving your staff the support they need to develop their value based healthcare knowledge and improve effectiveness in their day-to-day roles. On completion of the course, you will automatically receive a certificate of completion which you can keep in your CPD record.
Whether you want to provide online training for a specific cohort of staff or roll out wider access to larger groups across your organisation, there is an option for you.
What does your organisation get access to?
Dedicated support to roll out courses
Up to date course content
24/7 online access to the learning platform
Quaterly reporting
Who is it for?
How do I roll this out in my organisation?
Pricing structure
You can subscribe for a minimum of 12 months and have access to all OVSPs courses or you can select the courses you want access to, the choice is yours. The longer your subscription term, the lower the cost. Subscriptions are cost effective if you are looking to train 30+ people. We can help you identify members of staff to train.
Costs start as little as £15 per person.
We have packages for all types of requirements and understand that training budgets and needs vary from one organisation to another.
Whether you want to:
- roll out one course to all your staff
- roll out a series of courses for your budget holders or / and other staff
- roll out all courses to a select group of staff
- choose different courses for different cohorts of staff.
We can support you with a solution that meets your individual organisation or system requirements. For full pricing details and a quote please contact
Our Courses
Introduction to Value Based Healthcare
How to improve healthcare system by increasing value and reducing waste
How to shift focus from bureaucracies to populations
How to design population based systems and deliver care through networks
How to create a culture of stewardship
How to optimise personal value